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What Toys Are Good for a Six Month Old?

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When your tiny tot is six months old, everything in the house is exciting and new! They’re starting to move and lift themselves, maybe scoot a little around the carpet, and explore everything around them. It’s time to give them the best baby toys to help them flex their muscles–and sense of wonder!

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Tummy Time Toys

Every six month old needs a plushie to snuggle at night! Our Happy Hues stuffed animals offer every cuddle and hug a baby could want, from Butterscotch Bunny’s pink floppy ears to Candy Pup’s soft paws, and from Jolly Jelly Bear’s classic teddy bear goodness to Cupcake Pup’s rosy cheeks. Give them a stuffed animal to love as a tot and they’ll have a friend they’ll remember for life!

And life as a six month old involves a lot of tummy time, and there are no better tiny tot tummy time toys than what you can find here at B. toys! On their tummies, your little one can have an aBc Block Party, which gives them a little bit of everything: soft and squishy things to squeeze, grab and chew; spinning beads to dazzle and delight; rattling sticks to make them giggle; all with funky textures and bright colors.

Developmental Toys

But what if you want to get something into their little fingers that helps them develop their motor skills and learn to grasp and hold? A baby’s grasp when they hold onto your finger is strong and determined, and they need toys that will help them B. strong! And our FunKeys certainly fit the bill–these toy car keys give them something exciting to fiddle and have fun with, including a fob that makes five different sounds to ignite the joy within them.

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Bathtime can be a wonderful exploration and a splashy party for a six month old, and what better toy to take them there than Off the Hook, a floating boat filled with wonders to keep your baby busy while you clean them. Off the Hook’s sea creatures float, spin and squirt water, so you can turn bath time into a gigglefest as you squirt and splash with each other.

Portable Toys

On the go and need portable baby entertainment? Try the Spin, Rattle, and Roll, which comes with one, two, three… we lost count of how many toys there are in one small package! With cylinders to spin, rattles, bells, and jingles, and a wire maze across the top, this toy can entrance your tiny tot for hours as they move the shapes from one end to the other. Or it can be a great handle to grab as they learn to stretch their muscles and fingers. This rough and tumble toy can endure the wear and tear of travel and always provide fun when it’s time to lay down and play.

Want more portable baby entertainment?  Try the whimsical Escar-Glooooow ball popper! Your baby can push down on the top and watch as balls pop and the silly snail scoot across the floor. And if you need any more fun, turn down the lights and watch this toy transform into a glowing, light-up novelty that will make your child giggle with joy.

Musical Toys

Turn your child into a little Beethoven with the Under the Sea Jamboree, a friendly octopus who doubles as an eight-piece orchestra! Each tentacle–which are so fun to grab and squeeze–makes the sound of a different instrument when your six month old baby presses on it and makes it sing. From keyboards to drums to guitars, this plushie won’t disappoint and can keep babies entertained for hours of independent play.

For more musical matches, look no further than the Hi!! Phone. A baby loves a phone, and they’ll love one of their own–especially one that plays songs and rings just like their parents’ cell phones. They’ll be so delighted to be just like you that they won’t even realize it’s a toy! And if your baby sets it down, it’ll call them — just like a real phone!

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And set in for your baby’s first concert with the Musical Party Pad–a portable toy with great big buttons that are easy to push and play with. It plays six songs and makes wacky sounds, and a baby who is just learning to crawl and grab things with their hands can’t miss out on this musical instrument— they can even control the whole thing with their feet!

No matter what your six month old baby is looking for, from developmental toys, to musical toys, to teething toys, to portable toys, B. toys has a gift waiting for them that will brighten their day–and that will brighten YOUR day. A happy baby makes a happy parent or grandparent. They’ll only be six months old once–make it memorable and fun for them and you!

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