From Parents, To Parents, All

Father’s Day: What Dads Love Most About Fatherhood

fathers day featured
Father’s Day is right around the corner, so we decided to celebrate fatherhood by turning to the dads of our tiny fans with a single question:   

What do you love most about being a father?

If there’s one thing we know, the answers are sure to make you smile. 
Saying I love being a father, is an understatement. It has given me a purpose that I didn’t have before. The opportunity to shape an individual is a responsibility that changes a person! But what I didn’t expect was, while I was focused on teaching her, she was in turn teaching me…about myself and about what kind of world I want her to grow up in. Seeing the world through her eyes has taught me to appreciate so much more and focus on what is really important. Guy, @guytgulotta
Being called “papa” a thousand times a day is itself the best thing that has happened to me ❤️ Vinod, @mommingwithlove
I love the joy in my daughter’s eyes when I get home and walk through the door. As a lineman, I’m away for work a lot and I soak up every ounce of time I can when I am home with her. Also, just having someone look up to me and copy everything I do! Zachary, @honeymegger
My little girl is 4 months old this week! My favorite thing is getting the biggest smile and giggle every morning when I wake her up 😊 The silver lining of this pandemic is that I’ve been at home to see her grow and reach new milestones every day! There is no better feeling. Ben
I love the excitement he sees in my eyes when I come home from work. When I see him and how happy he is, it makes any bad day good. Nicholas, @alinesoghmoniansmith
The unconditional love and trust I receive from my kiddo give me indescribable joy! Aalok@aalok.pandit
Seeing my little girl start to understand how much I love her and show it in return. Aaron, @nikki.vs
What I love most about being a father is the unwavering love and strength she has bestowed upon me, how simple it is to make her happy, and our daddy-daughter bonding time. Being a girl dad is just priceless! Seven@luckybabyseven
What I love the most about being a father is watching my handsome baby grow and, as a father, teaching him and realizing I lead by example. So it keeps me on point to be the best father I can be! Being a father showed me how to love and how to show affection more! And it showed me how to be responsible and prioritize. 💙 Lejuan, @sk8bdope
Every day is special with Akira. She wakes up with a smile and that just makes my day. Having a daughter is so special! I love doing funny things with Akira and then wait for her cute laugh. Akira is such a delightful and fun-loving kid. Hemant, @pookie_akira
The laughs and all the smiles I get from my children… just seeing them happy. Michael, @familyfunplaytime
Although we believe that fatherhood comes in all shapes and sizes and should be celebrated 365 days a year, the entire B. team would like to say: Happy Father’s Day!

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