
The Ultimate Preschool Checklist – Part II

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We recently shared a back-to-school checklist to help you prep and pack everything kiddos may need for school – whether they were headed to class for the first time or returning. Now we’d like to share our preschool readiness list to ensure that the little ones in your family walk into that classroom with their heads held high. 
Here’s our preschool skills checklist, made to help toddlers navigate the school experience! 

Social & Emotional Skills

  • Going to school means meeting lots of new people! Feeling at ease in a group setting will definitely go a long way. 
  • Making friends is key, but being comfortable with independence is just as important! And the ability to play solo is a great example of that. 
  • Questions or lil’ problems could always arise, so kiddos should be able to clearly express their needs and emotions.
  • Identifying the emotions of others can also B. very helpful. Knowing when people feel sad or mad can help your child communicate with them appropriately! 
  • In addition to gauging what others around them are feeling, taking the initiative to talk and share (toys, for example!) is also a great display of social skills.
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Language Skills

  • Sounds simple, but knowing how to clearly recite your full name is essential!
  • Say wee-hee for A, B, and C! Recognizing the alphabet is sure to help lil’ ones out in preschool. 
  • Teachers guide their mini students throughout the day, so children should be able to understand easy directions. 
  • Story time is always fun – and it’s even better when kids can follow and understand a story’s main message!
  • Together with saying their name, it would be wonderful if kiddos could write it too!
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Early Mathematical Skills

  • ABCs and 123s are the best of friends! Knowing some numbers (up to 5) can definitely come in handy. 
  • Before becoming math wizzes, children can start by identifying basic shapes such as the square, circle, triangle, etc. 
  • Another helpful math skill is being able to understand when there’s less or more of something. 
  • Sorting skills are also part of the mathematical world! Being able to arrange items by color, size or shape is simply great!  
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  • Last, but not least, children should start recognizing certain patterns – such as “green, blue, green, blue”! 

Motor Skills

  • Preschool comes with a ton of fun activities, some of which encourage kiddos to move! Having the strength and balance for running, jumping, and kicking is sure to help ‘em out. 
  • Riding a tricycle can help children improve their balance and coordination, right in time for outdoor fun in school! 
  • Other activities might involve puzzlesblocks or other educational toys – and that’s where hand-eye coordination comes into play. 
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  • There can also be opportunities for artistic self-expression! Having a firm pencil (or paint brush!) grip can simplify the creative process. 
  • There are many moments in preschool where fine motor skills are necessary – from opening a lunchbox to cutting a fun shape out of colorful construction paper! 
We at B. hope these tips and tricks will lend you a helping hand. Wishing you all a great back-to-school season! 

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