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3 Great Family Activities for the Fall Season

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The days may be getting shorter, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty of time for family fun in the fall! The season of sweaters and cinnamon brings with it cozy mornings and sunny afternoonsSo take advantage of the fair weather by planning the perfect weekend of fun for the whole family with these seasonal suggestions!

Get lost… in a corn maze!

Corn mazes are an autumn classic that’s sure to excite the imagination of little ones and tickle parents’ nostalgia. Corn mazes come in all shapes and sizes, from multi-acre challenges to simple half-acre courses kiddos can explore on their own. Closer to Halloween, flashlight mazes let families explore in the dark, with or without a costume! But whatever type of corn maze you choose, they’re often attached to other carnival activities or farmer’s markets, so just follow the happy harvest sounds to find your way out.
Toddlers will love the crunchy textures and sounds of the dry corn stalks, and everyone can enjoy a hot apple cider afterward! Most corn mazes run from Labor Day weekend until the end of October.

Gardening with grandparents

It’s not necessary to travel to local farms to enjoy a fall harvest if you have a garden at home or access to one. September 12 is Grandparents Day, so it’s a great time to get kids outside and encourage them to lend a helping hand in their grandparents garden. You’d be surprised how much gardening there is to do this time of year! While the grownups do the pruningolder kids can get their hands dirty digging holes for spring bulbs like tulips. Of course, little ones can be included too! Let them use the Loadie Loader to transport bulbs or help fill in holes.
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This is also a great time for children to learn plant names and turn some small thumbs green! And when the work is done, we recommend celebrating by jumping into a pile of freshly raked leaves before heading inside for a snack (and maybe a nap)!
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A stay-at-home speedway

Fall days may be colorful, but sometimes they can be chilly – brr so there’s no shame in staying home for a cozy weekend. Instead of going outside, channel the energy of little ones by having them set up obstacles for an indoor Formula 1. Cushions and stuffed animals are excellent options for this! Kids can run the course themselves or, better yet, compete against each other or the grown-ups with a pair of our brand-new Riding Racers. If you can also manage to put your feet up and become part of the course yourself, well… that’s just perfect. 
Whatever your speed, take full advantage of fall’s crisp vibes and colors and make the most of the weekend as a family!

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