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Gift Lists: How to Manage Children’s Holiday Expectations

Kids are known to dream bigAnd while we always encourage dreaming, exploring, and playingwe also understand that sometimes those big dreams can turn into looooong wish lists – especially around this time of year.  
When that list does make its way into your hands, the tricky part is finding thhappy place where “what I can do” and “what my kiddos want me to do” meet. Although it might not be the simplest of tasks, we do have a few tips and tricks up our holiday sleeves that can help you out. 
Lead by example: Whenever you receive a gift from or in front of a child, how do you react? Keep in mind that your reaction can teach little ones about the importance of appreciating presents! 
Acknowledge & explain: Even if it’s not possible to check off every item on a kiddo’s wish list, the first step would be to acknowledge that list so that little ones feel heard. The next step would then be to explain why they might not see every item under thtree! 
Set a limit: If you’re looking for a lil’ more structure, you can also set a limit on the number of gifts kids can receive this year. Not only would that make it easier on your end, but it’ll encourage children to think of what they care about the most!
Promote prioritizing: Setting a limit on the number of gifts can also introduce children to prioritization! Asking them to choose their “Top 3,” for example, can help them determine what is most special.
Quality over quantity: You’re the one to make the final call when it comes to gifts, and one approach that can make holiday shopping a bit easier is thinking about quality over quantity. You could go for one significant present as opposed to many smaller ones! 
Experiences vs. gifts: Not all gifts have to be wrapped! If you want to switch things up and show kids that gifts don’t necessarily come in boxes, you could go for an experience instead – such as a trip to a theme park or a family vacation! 
Family wish list: To teach little ones about consideration, compromise, and care, you could also make a family wish list that features things each member would like to do during the holidays. Story time? Check! Breakfast for dinner? Check! Holiday movie marathon? Check!
From receiving to giving: Kids are usually the ones to receive gifts around the holidays… But what if they gave too? This season, you could encourage children to sort through their older toys, clothes, and more, pick out what they no longer use (but what remains in good shape!), and donate it all!
Practice gratitude: As great as gifts are, we recommend reminding the little ones in your families that the holidays are more than about presents. It’s about being together, eating yummy meals, organizing fun activities, honoring your traditions, making memories, and so much more!
No matter how your family celebrates this time of year, we at B. wish you all a smooth prepping period and holidays filled with nothing but fun! 

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