
Tips & Tricks: Attending Weddings with Kids

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Whether you’re planning a wedding this season (congratulations!) or attending one, including little ones in the festivities might B. on your radar. Weddings are seen as special, exciting, and incredibly memorable events, but it’s important to remember that they may look a lil’ different from a child’s perspective. Something as simple as sitting through a special ceremony can feel looooong for kiddos, while a dance floor and music can potentially overwhelm them.  
If you’re looking for a little guidance when it comes to attending a wedding with kids, here are a few tips to help the day run smoothly: 

Help Kids Understand

Will your little one experience a wedding for the very first time? Then we recommend explaining the event to them! Weddings can have many elements (think ceremony, cocktail hour, speeches, dances, cake cutting, etc.), and learning about them can make children feel more prepared for the event. It’s also a great opportunity to teach kiddos about care, respect, and patience!  

Communication is Key

It’s one thing to introduce children to common wedding components, but knowing the specifics of the wedding you’re attending is key. Are there kid-friendly food options? Will there be a kids-only table or a mini play space? Is there a changing station at the venue? Or high chairs? These details (and more!) will be very helpful to know before the big day, so we suggest chatting with the couple beforehand to be prepared. 
You could also ask if your kids can help out in small ways, such as tossing confetti after the ceremony or handing out wedding favors. Giving little ones a special role can not only occupy them for a portion of the event, but it can also give them a lil’ confidence + happiness boost! 

Practice Makes Perfect

If the kiddo in your family is a part of the wedding party or a ring bearer, then attending a rehearsal (or doing a pretend one at home!) is a must. Walking down the aisle during the ceremony with rose petals or rings in hand takes a certain amount of responsibility for a child, so practice runs can come in handy – especially if they’re doing so for the first time.  

Dress Comfortably

When it comes time to choose your child’s outfit for the big day, we recommend prioritizing comfort. They’ll have to wear that outfit for the entire day, so it’s best that it doesn’t include itchy materials, tight accessories, or new shoes, for example. Wearing uncomfortable clothes can lead to frustration, which is definitely something to avoid during a wedding! 
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Bring Kid-Friendly Snacks

It’s no surprise that hunger can also lead to frustration, so we suggest packing a few no-fail snacks that you know your little one loves. Even if the wedding menu includes kid-friendly options, every child is different and each one has their own preferences when it comes to food! Not to mention, your kiddo’s hunger might not coincide with the event’s schedule, so being equipped with a few snacks (even for you!) can go a long way.  

Pack Toys

What’s fun for adults at weddings might not B. particularly fun for little ones, which is why bringing toys along for the ride is a great way to make kids smile throughout the day. You can give them our Mini Observer’s Binoculars to get a closer look at the festivities. Maybe bring their favorite plush pal along for playtime and comfiness. Or go for small ‘n’ portable toys that they can play with during the reception, such as our Free Wheee-lees wooden cars. 

Take Breaks

It’s important to follow the wedding’s timeline, but it’s perfectly understandable to take a few breaks here and there to make sure your little one is feeling good. Lights, music, and crowds can be a lot to handle for a child, so pressing pause for a few minutes is certainly helpful.  
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Got more tips for mini wedding-goers? Share ‘em with us in the comments! 

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